Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kindergarten Animal Songs

Kindergartners have been exploring their voices and the range of them (high and low). They created songs about animals if they could sing like us humans.

Below is a link where you can listen to all the kids sing their songs about their animals. You can also see a picture of their animal they colored!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh Say Can You Hear Rubric

Below is the link to the grading rubric used for their National Anthem project.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rhythm Compositions

The second week of school, we composed rhythms and performed them in grades 3, 5 & 6. Here are their compositions by grade. You can listen & see what they're doing!

3rd Grade

5th Grade

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept. 10 - Oct. 5

As we are going into our 4th week of school, I can't help but be thankful to the kids' parents whom I don't see everyday, but I see your hard work and love in your students. They make my job very easy to want to come to! Now I will wipe my sentimental tear from my eye and give you all 4 weeks in advance of lessons! Brace yourselves!

K - week 1 - learning solfege
      week 2 - learning dynamics & working together
      week 3 - learning a Spanish song & instrument names
      week 4 - if animals could sing, what would they sound like?

1 - week 1 - review solfege, melody & harmony
     week 2 - review treble clef & dynamics
     week 3 - singing unit of common songs, I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,                       This Little Light of Mine, Pimpon
     week 4 - beginning of learning piano

2 - week 1 - review solfege, melody & harmony

     week 2 - review treble clef & dynamics
     week 3 - singing unit of common songs, I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,                       This Little Light of Mine, Pimpon
     week 4 - beginning of learning piano

3 - week 1 - solfege & dynamics review
      week 2 - treble clef review with Boomwhackers
     week 3 - singing with melody & harmony, part songs
     week 4 - beginning of learning piano

5 - week 1 - National Anthem project
      week 2 - presenting National Anthem projects, solfege review
     week 3 - singing unit, pentatonic scale, sign language
     week 4 - beginning of learning piano

6 - week 1 - solfege review & adding rhythm to solfege
     week 2 - syncopation & harmony & melody
     week 3 - common songs from around the globe
     week 4 - beginning of learning piano

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 27-31st


It's been so long since I posted, they changed the format of Blogger on me! Shame on me, I suppose! This week has been rhythm boot camp for all grades. We have been working on things we had down pat so well last year. It never ceases to amaze me how smart these kiddos are!

Next week, the students will be working on Phase Two of Boot Camp - solfege. While all other grades are working on improving previous knowledge, Kindergartners are learning how to trot, gallop, and walk to steady beats and getting especially good at using their eyes and ears in music class. Nothing excites me more than watching 27 kindergartners singing and dancing together!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Concert Time!

Good morning,

This year is quickly winding down! For most teachers, this is testing time; for Music teachers, this is the time of concerts, contests, and programs galore! Our concert is next Monday, April 23rd. Our theme is "It's All Fun & Games" and they're all things we've done in regular Music class. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Telling a Story Through Music

We have been talking about Peter and the Wolf, Prokofiev's brilliant orchestral piece where a story is told through the music. Each character is portrayed by a different set of instruments. We decided it would be cool if we could create our own stories through music, so they did! Here are the recordings of 6th grade's stories.

Group 1, Genna Celi Kyleana:

Group 2, Steven Hannah Trevor AJ:

Group 3, Bailey Trevor Brittney Donielle:

Group 4 Zeke Kel Hannah Ravyn:

Group 5, Kole Mason Amaya Megan:

Group 6, Gavin Lily Aspen:

Group 7, Kelli Emily Jacob:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jan. 23-27


This week, we're going to be celebrating Kansas' 151st birthday in music class by talking about a large facet of music we know & love today - cowboy music!

Mon - what do you know about cowboys? Home on the Range
Tues - saddles & cattle trails
Wed - cowboy songs
Thurs - What's a listening map? Aaron Copland's Hoedown
Fri - WTD?, make your own listening map!

Who's This Dude?

He really did look like a cartoon!

Our Who's This Dude was a small man if you met him, but had a personality which was larger than life! Mr. Aaron Copland is one of the most prolific American composers we have ever known. Touching every genre of composition, he wrote for strings, brass, percussion, orchestra, ballets, musicals, and solo instrument and voice. With cowboy songs, we will be looking a lot at his ballet named "Rodeo," particularly the "Hoedown" movement. If you remember the "Beef: it's what's for dinner" commercials from the early 90s, this is the tune!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan. 16-20

Good morning & howdy-do!

Time to get back into the habit of blog posting! We have been doing some fun activities and learning lots of new things since we've been back from Winter Break. This week, we're going to dive into something quite ancient - the birth of music as we know it!

Mon - aural traditions, aural passing-on activity
Tues - Who wrote it down? practicing transcription
Wed - Early Instruments, small group projects
Thurs - the Western church & common music
Fri - Who's This Dude?, finish compositions in 5th & 6th grade