Monday, October 31, 2011

Oct. 31-Nov. 4

Happy Halloween! Do you know what All Saint's Day usually marks in any music classroom in any American classroom? Introduction to Christmas music! We'll be taking a one-day break by learning some music for Veterans' Day.

MON - Halloween Music-a-Thon
TUES - Veterans' Day music
WED - Christmas music listening
THURS - Christmas music choice
FRI - Christmas music choice

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oct. 24-28

K, 1
MON - add rhythm to animal names
TUES - Name Song
WED - Voices go up & down
THURS - Halloween songs

MON - instruments listening
TUES - rhythm vs. beat
WED - Review of rhythm & beat
THURS - Halloween songs

Halloween songs

MON - Review of beat & rhythm
TUES - Latin percussion listening
WED - Reading Rhythms
THURS - Halloween songs

MON - add instruments to Oh La Le
TUES - Codas, DS, steel drums
WED - pentatonic scale
THURS - halloween songs

Oct. 17-21

It's hard to believe how quickly this 9 weeks has flown by!

K, 1, 2
MON - My Thumbs Are Wiggling, instruments and shapes
TUES - Draw your own instruments, play with xylophones
WED - Skipping & galloping
THURS - Acting out The Old Gray Cat
FRI - Difference between beat & rhythm

Halloween songs all week for performance

5, 6
MON - Piano review
TUES - Beach ball treble clef note review
WED - Start on bass clef
THURS - Come up with their own acronym for lines & spaces
FRI - Grand staff review w/ BW's

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oct. 10-14

With this being a short week for me (I was gone Monday), it totally messed up my normal Monday schedule! Last week, we had SO much fun learning the piano in 3rd, 5th & 6th grades, we're working on them again this week. Nothing makes a piano player happier!

K, 1, 2
Tues - Review dynamics
Wed - Add dynamics to a poem or phrase
Thurs - Solfege tic-tac-toe
Fri - Poem & rhythm

3, 5, 6
All week - Piano playing

Monday, October 3, 2011

Oct. 3-7

Good morning! Although it's going to be hot outside this week (with very little rain forecasted again), we're going to be doing some COOL stuff in music! In fact, Students in 3rd, 5th & 6th grades will be learning how to play the piano! Through my cleaning this summer, I found about 80 cardboard pianos. Although they won't be able to hear the fruits of their labor until the end of the week, I think they'll enjoy being able to go home and say they know a few songs on the piano!

K, 1, 2

MON - Solfege reviews
TUES - Learning note names in correlation with the treble clef, quarter notes
WED - Beginning of dynamics - Forte
THURS - Piano
FRI - Combine 2 and add mf and mp

3, 5, 6

MON - Drawing treble clefs, review of treble clef notes, solfege review
TUES - Beginning to piano - white keys, black keys
WED - Doggie with the Big Black Ears
THURS - Asian Descent, Keyboard scavenger hunt
FRI - Keyboard scavenger hunt, add pitches to compositions